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At Temple Avodat Shalom, membership is at the core of who we are.  We believe our synagogue is more than just a house of worship and school.  Temple Avodat Shalom is our second home.  It is where we pray together, laugh together, learn together, mourn together, volunteer together and celebrate together. We are committed to the ideals and ideologies of the Reform movement while allowing those with varying backgrounds and levels of spirituality to feel comfortable in our synagogue.  We invite you to explore what makes Temple Avodat Shalom the vibrant, thriving community in the heart of Bergen County!

We welcome all who wish to participate, regardless of age, marital status, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity or financial means. Straight, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals, interfaith families, people of all abilities, and individuals of all ages are welcome.

Who we are

We are committed to the ideals and ideologies of the Reform movement while allowing those with varying backgrounds and levels of spirituality to feel comfortable in our synagogue. Our membership is comprised of people who grew up in Reform, Conservative, Orthodox, and Reconstructionist households as well as those from other faiths.  Our worship services strike a balance of English and Hebrew and are filled with learning, sanctity, music and joy.  

Becoming A Member/Renewing Membership

We would love for you to visit us and experience all that we have to offer.  Attend a service, meet with our clergy, leadership and members, and join us for learning and laughter!  Once you walk through our doors, you will know you have come home!

If you would like more to learn more about Temple Avodat Shalom and our community, please contact us at 201-489-2463 or email

To renew your membership, please fill out the renewal form. 

Education – From Tots to Seniors and All in Between

Education is essential and available to all of our members, from our tots to seniors and all in between.  Our Hebrew school begins with a Pre-K program and extends through senior year in high school. We take pride that once a child becomes a Bar/Bat Mitzvah, they continue their Jewish journey through our innovative TASTE program.  Our Bar/Bat Mitzvah students are prepared to lead a worship service having learned to sing and read the traditional prayers and to chant Torah and Haftorah. For those children with special needs, we have our Individualized Learning Program.  We have an active Youth Group, which is part of the NFYT-GER region. Learn more about the Youth group here

Lifelong Learning

For our more experienced members, adult education is offered in a variety of avenues and venues.   Rabbi Jim Stoloff guides twice a week Torah study; Thursdays at noon and Saturday mornings prior to Shabbat services.  Additionally, a variety of adult education is offered including “Scholars In Residence” and guest lecturer programs, ongoing classes devoted to a theme such as Israel, Hebrew, the Shoah, etc…movies with a Jewish theme/connection, Interfaith Study and day trips to museums and other exhibitions. Find out more

Tikkun Olam – Volunteerism and Community Involvement

Our community extends beyond our walls and members.  Tikkun Olam and continued dialogue with our neighbors are essential to us.  Throughout the year, we collect, cook and serve meals at a local food bank for the hungry and homeless. We volunteer at a variety of local agencies as a congregation and provide holiday presents to those who can’t afford them. Our youth group annually participates in the Midnight Run giving clothing, food and toiletries to the homeless in New York City.  

Socializing and Fun-Raising!

Beyond learning, our adults volunteer and socialize through our Brotherhood, Sisterhood and Young Families groups. You will find us building a Sukkah, running the gift shop and holiday boutiques, stuffing mishloach manot bags, hosting monthly card and mah jong games, running book clubs, leading services, ushering on the High Holy Days and so much more. Brotherhood  Sisterhood<

Lyrics to the Purim spiel 'The Rebbe of OZ'


Temple Avodat Shalom has been part of the River Edge community since 1952 where we rented space from a local church for 10 years. Over the years, we have actively participated in the local interfaith community, building relationships with nearby churches and other houses of worship.  Currently we work side by side with a local church to help shelter homeless families. In an effort to repay the kindness showed to us in our early formation stage, we rent space to Basic Korean church. 

Benefits of Membership

  • High Holy Day Tickets
  • First Rate Religious School and Youth Group
  • Clergy for all life cycle events (Baby Namings, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, Weddings and Funerals)
  • Discounted room rental rates for private events such as Bar/Bat Mitvahs, weddings, baby namings and any other simcha you can celebrate!
  • Adult education programs
  • Discounts & scholarships for children attending URJ affiliated camps and Israel Youth Trips
  • Community, Learning, Laughter, Spirituality and Latkes! 

FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions

Mon, October 21 2024 19 Tishrei 5785