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B'nei Mitzvah

Train up a child in the way he should go and even when he is old he will not depart from it.
-Proverbs 22.6

Becoming a B'nei Mitzvah is the beginning of a very exciting journey.
The B'nei Mitzvah marks the moment when a Jewish child assumes the rights and responsibilities of an adult Jew. The B'nei Mitzvah takes the role of the leader of the community service and fulfills the mitzvah of leading their fellow Jews in prayer. The young adult leads the service in both Hebrew and English. Our B'nei Mitzvah also participates in the service as a teacher providing us with the interpretations and reflections on the week’s Torah and Haftorah portions.
At Temple Avodat Shalom, B’nei Mitzvah students must successfully complete a minimum of four years of Hebrew and Jewish education in the years immediately preceding their B'nei Mitzvah. The B'nei Mitzvah candidate meets weekly for private tutoring sessions six months prior to their date. Weekly meetings with the Rabbi usually begin two months before the B'nei Mitzvah.
We have a comprehensive B'nei Mitzvah Information Booklet that provides complete information about the program. It is distributed at a meeting when your child is in the fifth grade. You can also view the manual by clicking the link below.

Temple Avodat Shalom B'nei Mitzvah Information Booklet

Kippah Fundraiser

We encourage our children to continue their Jewish education post-B'nei Mitzvah by attending TASTE (Temple Avodat Shalom Teen Experience) and volunteering at Hebrew and Religious School as madrichim (teacher assistants).  

Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785